Helping young people reach their full potential
creating bridges of friendship and understanding among youth across borders

“When someone takes away your pens you realize quite how important education is.”

– Malala Yousafzai


Hello, my name is Salma. I have met these wonderful people about 7 months ago. I wish I had met them earlier as they have changed my life in a major way and are helping me realize my dreams. I am so grateful to them for supporting me and motivating me. I got to meet my incredible English speaking buddy Tania through them. She is amazing, my English improves every time I speak with her, we speak several times a week, she helps me greatly. I barely spoke English a few months ago and now I pretty much understand everything! Now everyone at work asks me to help them with English J Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me.
Salma, student
It is incredible how much excitement, learning, and sharing we have had in only a few months with Alima! I love meeting with her, and we always have fun in our meetings, even though we are separated by a screen and 5,000 miles. During our time together we have not only been able to work on a language, but we have also developed a friendship! It’s amazing to see how our interests overlap and also differ, because it allows us to connect from opposite sides of the world. Even though we mostly practice English, our conversations in Turkish have helped me improve my native language that I don’t get to speak too often. Alima has helped me numerous times with vocabulary and confidence in my speaking. I am so happy to be able to connect with Deana and work together!
Rima, volunteer
I have loved being an English speaking buddy this past year! It has been extremely rewarding to see how the English abilities of my two buddies have improved so much in a short period of time. However, the benefits go both ways: not only have they gotten more confident with speaking English, but I have also learned more about Syrian and Turkish culture and gained new friends. I so appreciate the opportunity to be part of this program, and I am sure that others will get as much out of it as I have!
Kayla, volunteer
Meeting Matt was so helpful for my English. We talk about soccer a lot and about friends and family. We are very far away but we like many similar things. He will come meet my family when he comes to Turkey next summer- thank you for introducing me to him, I made a life long friend.
Mahir, student
Mahir and I hit it off right away. Even though initially his English was a bit limited, we could still have nice talks about things that interested us. Through dialogue exercises, and weekly topics we agreed on beforehand, he improved his English quickly. I`m so impressed by his motivation and positive attitude after all he and his family have been through. I feel like I`ve made a lifelong friend and cannot wait to meet him in person one day. A few of my friends are interested in becoming English practice buddies also. But most importantly, learning about their lives and what they have lived through has taught me so much about the challenges refugees face. I feel responsible about spreading awareness about this issue in my community and already have begun to organize events to this end.
Matt, volunteer
I'm so grateful to have gotten a chance to meet, work with, and learn from Faiza. Her commitment to asking questions and grappling with the difficulties of the English language is phenomenal. Our time was spent working through grammar rules, learning new vocabulary, and practicing pronunciation. However, as we studied together, we also got to build a relationship that was grounded in cultural exchange and story-telling. Faiza is one of the most tenacious and brilliant students I've met, and I'm so excited to keep hearing about the rest of her journey as it unfolds!
Hannah, volunteer
Hi , The practice we did with Kayla was very useful . It was very useful for me, I improved my English a lot. I even got an English prize at school! Now I am more confident when speaking English. Kayla helped me a lot , she's such a good person. I hope she succeeds in her life. Thank you so much too for introducing us 🙂
Layla, student
I want to be an English teacher, but my English was very bad. Ella has been so helpful to me. She is kind, gentle and patient. My English has improved a lot. And I have a great friend now. Thank you so much!
Nadira, student

*names have been changed to protect the identity of the students concerned

Our Story

The story of Bright Pals is simple. It`s a volunteer led organization that started with a summer school program for Syrian refugee youth in Istanbul, Turkey in 2019 and expanded to providing year round educational support to these students. We also have a modern day `pen pals` program where they are matched with their peers in the US and UK in order to improve their English, thereby giving them an important skill. In the process, wonderful friendships are formed while the English speaking practice buddies get to learn about an important issue facing the world and spread awareness in their communities in order to help combat prejudice against refugees.

4 Summer School Programs

since 2019

75 Students

have participated in our programs

34 Volunteers

took part in our programs

Our Impact


We provide enrichment programs to support the students` learning and expose them to new fields such as robotics. Past programs have included classes in Turkish, English (grammar and speaking), writing (in both languages), Math, Science, robotics as well as fun educational games!

The first summer school program was held at Bilgi University in July 2019. We also hosted a variety of inspiring speakers to motivate the participants and to make them aware of various opportunities. Past speakers have included representatives from various educational organizations and NGO`s such as the Innovation in Education Association as well as university prep course tutors, Robotics teachers, Science & Math teachers, aeronautics and genetics engineers.

Summer school programs in 2020, 2021 and 2022 were held online. Initially the programs focused on catching up with school work, which was heavily online during the first two years of Covid. This year, we also organized a lecture series focusing on a range of topics in science to give the students an idea of the types of fields they can consider studying in the future. Some of the topics covered in this lecture series included aeronautical engineering, astronomy (including the newest images taken by the Webb telescope, black holes etc.) as well as an introduction to organic chemistry. We are hoping to expand the lecture series to include presentations and courses on first aid, physiology and the newest developments in medicine and biotechnology.

We do fundraising to help provide scholarships, tutoring (including entrance exam preparation), school supplies, books, as well as school and university fees for the students. Initially this was done largely through friends and family in Turkey, the UK and the US, but we plan on expanding the fundraising through our website and campaigns.

The summer school programs are a great way for the students to come together and interact. However, we realized after the first summer school that the students needed more support throughout the school year, so we started an online year round tutoring support program for middle and high school students in Math, Science, Turkish, English, computer programming and most recently in German. We also help with preparation for the high school and university entrance exams.

We match Syrian youth in Istanbul who speak some English with peers in the US and UK (to be expanded soon to other countries) so that they can practice and improve their English. We provide guidelines, sample discussion topics, websites where they can get ideas for conversations as well as sample materials such as dialogue exercises, so that they always have something to do and conversation is never stalled! We find that such help is rarely necessary after the initial meeting, as the matched buddies find they have a lot more in common than they expected, so they always seem to have a lot to talk about!

The goal is also to build bridges between nations and peoples, which will hopefully lead to lasting friendships. The students from the US and UK then host events at their schools and communities to spread awareness about refugee related issues in order to help combat prejudice against refugees. We select and match `buddies` very carefully as they are all young, so new participants usually join through personal references. Thus far, many wonderful friendships have been formed. As we continue to expand, we will continue to vet everyone very carefully to ensure maximum safety of all the participants.

We always welcome new friends into our programs. If you want to join, please fill in the application form!


Our Team

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